How DVC's Trailers Are Perfect for Transporting Mulch, Stone, Sand and Soil for Landscaping Projects

With over 230 million online shoppers in the U.S., it’s no wonder why there are so many truck drivers on the road making deliveries, picking up returns and stocking warehouses. The increased volume means that truck drivers must be extra careful on the road. It also means that law enforcement will be on the lookout for anything out of place on trucks as well as dangerous driving. No one wants to get pulled over and get fined. So, it’s imperative that truck drivers be aware of the reasons why they could get pulled over. Here are the top three reasons you need to know to avoid a ticket and to keep you safe on the road.
1. Lane Deviations – They raise concerns about a driver’s health – illness, fatigue or impairment. If you get pulled over for this infraction, a law enforcement agent can also inspect your cab for distractions.
2. Improperly Secured or Balanced Load – We’ve all seen news reports where an improperly secured load fell off a truck and caused an accident. In fact, this violation causes an estimated 200,000 accidents a year in the U.S. It is vital that before loading the trailer, these safety procedures are followed:
a. Choose the right trailer for the load.
b. Use the appropriate securing devices.
c. Choose the appropriate attachment points.
d. Ensure the attachments are secured.
e. Ensure clear visibility around the truck.
3. Speeding – While is the most common violation, it is one that can be easily prevented. It’s typically coupled with following too closely to another vehicle. Law enforcement agents can also inspect your credentials and vehicle during the stop, which could result in more fines. Speeding will also attract law enforcement during certain events, such as sobriety check points, The International Roadcheck, and Operation Safe Driver Week.
There are certainly more reasons why truck drivers get pulled over than those listed above. We all share the same goals of not getting pulled over and arriving home safely. They are achieved by following traffic laws and utilizing safe driving practices. At DVC, we are committed to safety through education and training. We look forward to providing safe and efficient hauls for our customers this year!